designer, illustrator, creative hailing from Minneapolis, MN

Let’s bring your brand to life.

I look forward to learning about your business, nonprofit, side-hustle, or whatever else you have design needs for. With 8+ years of design experience and a background in journalism and communications, I am a well-rounded designer. I value clean, modern design that communicates effectively and efficiently. I aim to put your needs first, while guiding you toward the best designs to meet your objective.

What we can do together…


From Facebook ads to billboards, mailboxes to email, I can tackle any and all of your design needs. We will discuss your goals and objectives, and I will work within your existing brand to create a compelling finished product that works.


Branding is so much more than just a logo. Your business needs a consistent look and voice to make it in today’s highly competitive multimedia market. I will work to discover your brand’s unique personality and bring it to life visually.


Lettering takes words and makes them work harder; be it temporary lettering, a permanent piece or incorporating lettering into your advertising, I will hand draw your words or phrases to communicate in a beautiful way.


Illustration is a great way to add some levity and fun to your brand. In addition to static illustrations, I can create illustrations to be animated by a motion designer. See an example of motion graphic work here.

Let’s get to work

Use the form below to contact me with your upcoming project needs. I look forward to learning about your business and project.